Research vacancies
I have several opportunities for final year M.Sc. projects. One of them is on the concept of a "Trusted Topology", which the IETF's RATS Working Group is developing. The work involves protoyping a Trusted Topology and designing and evaluating routing mechanisms that use it to provide "high trust" data paths across Autonomous Systems. The project is part of the TUCCR research institute.
Courses: Advanced Networking and IoT Security
I coordinate and teach two M.Sc. courses at the University of Twente (UT): Security Services for the IoT (SSI) and Advanced Networking (ANET), both of which are collaborations with SIDN Labs. SSI is also part of the 4TU cybersecurity Master program.
ANET is a 1st quartile course (September through November), whereas SSI is part of the UT's 4th quartile teaching program (April through June).
If you're a student and intereseted in SSI or ANET, then please make sure to browse a few of the courses' papers before you sign up to verify that the course matches your interests, study plan, prerequisites, etc. You can sign up through the UT's course management system, OSIRIS. Hope to see you in class!
The ANET teaching team consists of Pieter-Tjerk de Boer (UT), Geert Heijenk (UT), Roland van Rijswijk-Deij (UT and NLnet Labs), and myself. The SSI teaching team conists of Antonia Affinito (UT), Ting-Han Chen (UT), Etienne Khan (UT), and me. Former SSI team members are Elmer Lastdrager (SIDN Labs) and Ramin Yazdani.
If you have any questions, then drop me an email at
Ph.D. Candidates
I currently (co-)mentor the following Ph.D. candidates:
- Shyam Krishna Khadka (UT), on transparency of the routing infrastructure. With Prof. Dr. Ralph Holz (University of Münster) and Dr. Suzan Bayhan (UT). Shyam's work is part of the CATRIN project, which is funded by NWO.
- Ebrima Jaw (UT), on methods to measure and detect routing hijacks and these methods' reproducability. With Dr. Moritz Müller (SIDN Labs and UT) and Prof. Dr. Bart Nieuwenhuis (UT). Ebrima's work is funded by the TUCCR research institute.
Ph.D. candidates I co-supervised in the past are:
- Leandro Bertholdo (UT) on "Anycast in the age of hypergiants: Towards tools and techniques for the other 99% of ASes", with Prof. Dr. Roland van Rijswijk-Deij. Leandro's work was part of the PAADDoS project, co-funded by NWO and DHS.
- Moritz Müller (SIDN Labs and UT) on "Making DNSSEC Future Proof", with Prof. Dr. Roland van Rijswijk-Deij. Moritz received his Ph.D. cum laude.
M.Sc. Projects
I occasionally mentor M.Sc. students, although unfortunatly I can only handle one at a time. If you're interested in an M.Sc. project on the DNS, the Internet's routing system, or time services, then feel free to drop me an email.
In the past, I (co-)advised these students:
- M. Kellaway, "Accelerating the SCION IP Gateway using Programmable Data Planes", M.Sc. thesis, University of Twente, September 2022 [PDF]
- M. Jevring, "Automatic Management of Bluetooth Networks for Indoor Localization", M.Sc. thesis, University of Twente, August 2008 [PDF]
- M. Kamilova, "Policy-based Handoffs across Intermediary Multimedia Content Providers in the Wireless Internet", P.D.Eng thesis, University of Twente, October 2004 [PDF]
- C. Yu, "End-to-end Distribution of Multimedia Streams in a Mobile Internet Environment", M.Sc. thesis, University of Twente, July 2002